Making it Easier:
Ensuring an Inclusive Economy for Small Businesses

Making it Easier:
Ensuring an Inclusive Economy
for Small Businesses in Europe

Why does it matter?

Small business owners frequently talk about how they must juggle multiple roles to stay ahead. Pressed for time and revenue, their challenges are hard to ignore. Small business owners face technological developments and challenges in industry and the social landscape, all while facing rising costs and risks, as well as increasing bureaucracy and red tape.

In other words: running a thriving small business in Europe is getting harder, not easier.

Over the course of the evening, we will convene micro and small businesses, policymakers and stakeholders from the entrepreneurial support ecosystem. Participants will share and learn from each other, surface concrete challenges and issues small businesses are facing right now in bureaucracy, digitalization, financing, and cashflow resilience before identifying opportunities for action to ensure European small businesses continue to lead the way.

It is time for a reality check. From a small town shop to an IT start-up or designer, let’s give European entrepreneurs the stage they deserve and bring together all those committed to their success.

Meet our speakers

IVAN STEFANEC MEP Member of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection; Member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
DR. PAUL RÜBIG President of SME Connect
ELIZABETH TOTH CEO of Waste Rebel, Founder of Green Heroes
Nina Bojorge Co-founder and CEO of Kakaoliebe
Annemette Voss Fridthjof Founder and owner of All by Voss
MICHAEL DIGUET Co-founder & CEO of Algoan
PERNILLE WEISS MEP Member of Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety; Committee on Industry, Research and Energy; Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality
JÖRGEN WARBORN MEP Member of the Committee on International Trade
IULIU WINKLER MEP Vice-Chair of the Committee on International Trade; Committee on Culture and Education
ANGELIKA WINZIG MEP Co-Chair of the SME Intergroup in the European Parliament; Committee on Budgets
RADAN KANEV MEP Member of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs
DAVID MÜLLER Head of Cabinet of the European Commissioner Johannes Hahn
Ivo Belet Cabinet Expert of the European Commissioner Dubravka Šuica
Tobias Gotthardt Secretary of State at the Bavarian State Ministry of Economy, County Development and Energy
MARK BARNETT President of Mastercard Europe
MILENA ANGELOVA Member of the European Economic and Social Committee
PETER KOFLER Entrepreneur, President of Danish Entrepreneurs
ANNA KLISSOURAS Entrepreneur, global business consultant and coach
SME Connect Special Advisor for Digitalisation and AI; Former Member of the European Parliament; First Minister of Digitalisation of Poland
Senior Vice President of Social Impact, International Markets at the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth
President of the European Freelance Movement
Chair of the Steering Committee of SME Connect


  • 7:00 PM

    GLEN HODGSON President of the European Freelance Movement
    HORST HEITZ Chair of the Steering Committee of SME Connect
  • 7:03 PM

    Dr. Paul Rübig President of SME Connect,
    Member of the European Economic and Social Committee
  • 7:05 PM

    Ivan Stefanec MEP Member of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection;
    Member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy;
    President of SME Europe of the EPP
  • 7:10 PM

    Tobias Gotthardt Secretary of State at the Bavarian State Ministry of Economy, County Development and Energy
  • 7:15 PM

    Mark Barnett President of Mastercard Europe
  • 7:20 PM

    Elizabeth Toth CEO of Waste Rebel and Founder of Green Heroes, social entrepreneur
    Nina Bojorge Co-Founder & CEO of Kakaoliebe
    Annemette Voss Fridthjof Founder and owner of All by Voss
    Pernille Weiss MEP Member of Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety;
    Committee on Industry, Research and Energy;
    Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality
  • 7:40 PM

    DAVID MÜLLER Head of Cabinet of the European Commissioner Johannes Hahn
    Ivo Belet Cabinet Expert of the European Commissioner Dubravka Šuica
  • 7:50 PM

    Michael Diguet Co-founder & CEO of Algoan, a fintech SME based in France
    Anna Klissouras Entrepreneur, global business consultant and coach
    Angelika Winzig MEP Co-Chair of the SME Intergroup in the European Parliament
    Committee on International Trade;
    Committee on Industry, Research and Energy;
    Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality
    Iuliu Winkler MEP Vice-Chair of the Committee on International Trade;
    Committee on Culture and Education
    Moderated by Dr. Michal Boni SME Connect Special Advisor for Digitalisation and AI;
    Former Member of the European Parliament;
    First Minister of Digitalisation of Poland
  • 8:15 PM

    Peter Kofler Entrepreneur, President of Danish Entrepreneurs
    Milena Angelova Member of the European Economic and Social Committee;
    SME Envoy of Bulgaria
    Jörgen Warborn MEP Member of the Committee on International Trade;
    Committee on Transport and Tourism
    Radan Kanev MEP Member of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs;
    Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
    Moderated by Payal Dalal Senior Vice President of Social Impact, International Markets at the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth
  • 8:55 PM

    Tobias Gotthardt Secretary of State at the Bavarian State Ministry of Economy, County Development and Energy
    Dr. Paul Rübig President of SME Connect;
    Member of the European Economic and Social Committee
  • 9:00 PM

    Conversation corner hosted by Mastercard Strive An opportunity to ask the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth about its Strive programs
    Media corner for intercept interviews Our media corner is open to small business owners, MEPs and all guests for photos and interviews
    Conversation Corners hosted by
    Members of the European Parliament
    Meet your representatives in Europe, ask questions or pass on your message directly