2nd EU-Israel Business Roundtable: How can SME Cooperation and Innovation help solve the global water crisis?
On 5th of June SME Connect, in cooperation with SME Europe of the EPP and the AJC Transatlantic Institute, hosted the 2nd EU-Israel Business Roundtable in the European Parliament in Brussels. The topic discussed at the Working Breakfast was how SME Cooperation and Innovation can help to solve the global water crisis. The Business Roundtable was hosted by Dr. Paul Rübig MEP. Further participants were Michel Dantin MEP, H.E. Aharon Leshno-Yaar, Helga Trüpel MEP, Raanan Adin, Durk Krol, Prof. Dr. Piet Lens, Dr. Sven Schade and Dr. Horst Heitz. The event was moderated by Daniel Schwammenthal.
Dr. Paul Rübig MEP (Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, Committee on Budget, First Vice-Chairman of STOA, Honorary President of SME Europe) welcomed all attendees by pointing out the importance of EU-Israel friendship and cooperation in several different fields. The whole international community will benefit by an enhanced EU-Israel partnership.
The whole international community will benefit by an enhanced EU-Israel partnership.
Michel Dantin MEP (Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development) separated his welcoming speech into two parts: 1. Legislative relation between the Water and Agricultural Sector and 2. Legislative Framework for the entrance of treated Wastewater into the Water Cycle.
Today, 24% of European water resources are being used for agricultural purposes. Therefore, an improvement and further implementation of legislative framework is needed. In detail this means to reinforce the multisectoral approach, invest in water related projects through ESIF and BEI funds and in the support of innovation and knowledge. Furthermore, through Pillar I (Environmental Conditionally) and Pillar II (Promotion of sustainable resource management) the Common Agricultural Policy (PAC) is being used to improve water quality. Besides water quality improvement, PAC also includes different tools to support the implementation of basin plans.
The legislature REUSE is a keystone for water recycling. It sets quality requirements, monitors the quality of reused water and defines prevention measures through a risk management approach at a European level. REUSE is already successfully implemented in several states of the EU. Since establishing REUSE, Spain recycles 347 million m³/year of water. This leads a multisectoral win-win situation, that effects the whole value chain.
75% of all global jobs today are connected to clean water.
H.E. Aharon Leshno-Yaar (Ambassador of Israel to the EU and NATO) talked in his honorary speech about the geographical challenge Israel faces. Israel is only 22.380 km² large, which is only half of the size of Belgium. Additionally, 50% of the country is covered by dessert. Due to its harsh geography, Israel is forced to educate its public about water efficiency from an early age and also to be innovative. He closed his statement by pointing out the current conflict and propaganda against his country. Ambassador Leshno-Yaar thanked all the attending MEPs for their tremendous support for Israel in these rough times.The combination of a legislative framework and innovation are the key for Israel’s success story.
The combination of a legislative framework and innovation are the key for Israel’s success story.
Helga Trüpel MEP (Vice-Chair of the Committee on Culture and Education) opened the Round Table Discussion by introducing herself as a Member of the German-Israel Society. Due to her Membership she has visited Israel, especially Haifa, several times. During those visits she has always been impressed by Israel’s outstanding water management. This shows how high investment in high-tech and sustainability can have a direct impact on people’s day-to-day life. Therefore, the European Union should follow the example of Israel and investment more in those fields of research.high investment in high-tech and sustainability can have a direct impact on people’s day-to-day life.
High investment in high-tech and sustainability can have a direct impact on people’s day-to-day life.
Raanan Adin (President of the Israel Water Association) explained Israel’s complicated situation regarding water and how the country managed to successfully deal with it. Since the founding Israel is dealing with a steady increase of population, geographic and climatic challenges. In total there is a 40% gap between demand and natural supply of fresh water. Due to public awareness at every level, rain water catching projects, waste water treatment and desalination, the country has been able to close this gap. The combination of a legislative framework and innovation are the key for Israel’s success story. Supporting a close cooperation between innovators and business operators played an important role. Mr. Adin also pointed out that the majority of companies that drive the water sector are SMEs. He ended his presentation by talking about his experience in developing countries. According to him a good project can always be funded, however most projects fail in the long run due to economic unsustainability.ince the founding Israel is dealing with a steady increase of population, geographic and climatic challenges. In total there is a 40% gap between demand and natural supply of fresh water. Due to public awareness at every level, rain water catching projects, waste water treatment and desalination, the country has been able to close this gap. The combination of a legislative framework and innovation are the key for Israel’s success story.
Since the founding Israel is dealing with a steady increase of population, geographic and climatic challenges. In total there is a 40% gap between demand and natural supply of fresh water. Due to public awareness at every level, rain water catching projects, waste water treatment and desalination, the country has been able to close this gap.
Durk Krol, Director of Water Supply & Sanitation Technology Development (WssTP) stated that 90% of the economy depends on high quality water and that 75% of all global jobs today are connected to clean water. He sees not one, but multiple water crisis’s: too much, too little and too polluted water, which effect the agricultural, industrial, natural and urban sectors. Solutions can only be developed on local level. Therefore, WssTP introduced their vision to combat the different water crisis’s. The vision is based on 4 concepts. The multiple water concept (increase of reuse and recycle), digital water concept (digitalization of water usage and water sector), value of water concept (increase public awareness and information) and the installment of a hybrid green infrastructure. Additionally, more research is needed and the current research should be carefully evaluated. At the end Mr. Krol remarked, that water needs to come and stay on top of the political agenda, in order to combat the global water crisis.
Water crisis is not one, there are multiple water crisis’s: too much, too little and too polluted water. Solutions can only be developed on local level.