Cyber Crime: the risks for the economy and the enterprises
Cyber Crime: the risks for the economy and the enterprises
Oct 25, 2017
Today, cybercrime is a universal and rapidly growing phenomenon, that has cemented itself in our daily life. This has raised concerns in the private and public sector alike. Unfortunately for private citizens and SMEs, through the years, cybercrimes have evolved into greatly profitable ventures, that most often than not entail very low risks for the perpetrators. Technology has allowed cybercriminals to target the financial and business sectors in particular. Cyberattacks embroil unpredictable productivity and economic losses, amongst many other losses. In many cases some companies have an increasingly tough time recovering from cyberattacks; the theft of trade secrets or massive data losses are crimes from which companies and SMEs in particular have a
hard time coming back from, and in some cases these crimes could be fatal for the business. This is why the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) organises a roundtable to exchange best practices in which we can protect small and big business alike from the damages of cybercrime, with a special focus on the risks SMEs suffer due to cybercrimes.