Empowering Europe to Compete –
How to Make SMEs Fit for the Digital Age?
This working breakfast will explore the digital transformation journey for Europe’s SMEs, with a practical focus on AI, the platform economy, and digital advertising. Together, we will discuss the real-world opportunities and hurdles SMEs encounter in embracing these technologies, highlighting where EU policy can play a supportive role. The conversation will aim to uncover how targeted EU actions could lower barriers, create incentives, and provide resources to make digital adoption smoother for SMEs. By fostering an open dialogue, we look to empower SMEs with the tools and support they need to thrive in a rapidly digitalizing marketplace. In this context, we will also examine the political duty and commitment required to support this transformation. -
HORST HEITZChair of the Steering Committee, SME Connect
MARION WALSMANN MEPChair, EPP SME Circle; Board Member, SME Europe
GREGOR SCHMALZRIEDJournalist & Consultant specializing in Generative AI Strategy
ANDREAS PLOTZITZKAOne-Person Company Owner, Media Production & Marketing Agency, Salienz
SIADA EL RAMLY (TBC)Director Government Relations EU, eBay
MARGARETE RUDZKIHead of Unit Digital Economy & Society, German Confederation of Crafts and Small Businesses (ZDH)
BETSY ANNENGlobal Head of Ads Ecosystems & Safety, Government Affairs and Public Policy, Google