Independent Retail:
A cornerstone for vibrant local communites
in Europe

Meet and greet with the European SME retailers

5 February 2025, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM CET
European Parliament, Brussels

Why is it important?

Did you know that groups of independent retailers make up a significant share of the EU retail sector and play a crucial role in Europe's economic and social fabric?

This event will bring together SME retailers, independent retail groups, and Members of the European Parliament to explore the unique advantages of the independent retail business model. We’ll discuss how this model keeps SME retailers competitive, strengthens local economies, sustains jobs, and enhances consumer welfare. The conversation will also focus on the challenges these retailers face and how EU policymakers can better support them in the upcoming EU mandate.

Meet our interlocutors

Jörgen Warborn MEP Member of the Committee on International Trade; Co-Chair of the SME Circle in the European Parliament; President of SME Europe of the EPP
Axel Voss MEP Member of the Committee on Legal Affairs; Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection; Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
Thomas Nonn President of Independent Retail Europe
Britta Goertz Retailer, Member of ANWR (Germany)
Thierry Cotillard Retailer, Member & President of Groupement Mousquetaires (France)
Clara Medina Perdomo Director of Grupo SPAR 2000, Gran Canaria
Thomas Widlund Retailer of ICA Sjöstaden
Else Groen Director General of Independent Retail Europe
Horst Heitz Chair of the Steering Committee of SME Connect
Moderated by
Tamsin Rose


  • 5:30 PM


  • 6:00 PM


    Else Groen Director General of Independent Retail Europe
    Horst Heitz Chair of the Steering Committee of SME Connect
  • 6:05 PM


    Jörgen Warborn MEP Member of the Committee on International Trade; Committee on Employment and Social Affairs; Committee on Industry, Research and Energy; Co-Chair of the SME Circle in the European Parliament; President of SME Europe of the EPP
    Axel Voss MEP Member of the Committee on Legal Affairs; Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection; Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
  • 6:15 PM

    How can the business model make the SME retailers thrive

    Thomas Nonn President of Independent Retail Europe
  • 6:25 PM

    Clip Presentation
    A glimpse into how groups of independent retailers operate across Europe

  • 6:30 PM

    Panel Discussion
    The business model of independent retail: Competitiveness and local impact

    Britta Goertz Retailer, Member of ANWR (Germany)
    Clara Medina Perdomo Director of Grupo SPAR 2000 (Gran Canaria, Spain)
    Thierry Cotillard Retailer, Member & President of Groupement Mousquetaires (France)
    Thomas Widlund Retailer of ICA Sjöstaden (Sweden)
    Morten Løkkegard MEP (TBC) Member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy; Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs; Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection
    Andreas Glück MEP (TBC) Member of the Committee on the Environment, Climate and Food Safety; Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
    Moderated by
    Tamsin Rose
  • 7:10 PM

    Keynote Speech
    Highlights of the main policy tasks from Independet Retail Europe Manifesto

    Else Groen Director General of Independent Retail Europe
  • 7:20 PM

    Concluding Remarks

    Tamsin Rose
  • 7:25 PM - 8:30 PM

    Networking Reception

Partners of our summit